WoodPaperHand offers culture-based services
in the fields of
writing | creative industries | local & global education
local : telling your story
What is a Colorado story you would like to have written?
I document stories behind objects and design + cultural/eating/business establishments + private/commercial arts and crafts collections so you can share your history.
global : writing & art residencies
What transports you to another place?
I use handcrafted objects from around the world to cultivate your writing and stimulate new ways of thinking.
virtual: material experiences online
Online, we ask different questions about things. Who made each and how, when, why, where? Our experience of these things effectively multiplies, rather than dumbs us down.
experiential : site visits
There are times when the only place to be is on the ground. I organize custom visits for artists, art professionals, designers, engineers, makers and students of all kinds to local sites of culture and craft. ON HOLD

WoodPaperHand believes these variables impact your plan, project or program:
Local Knowledge • Value Systems
Target Culture • Context • Language
User • Participant • Audience