Old Poems
With appreciation to Wes Anderson • Moonrise Kingdom • 2012
Poetry can capture the complexities of things and how they carry meaning for us.

Inside the box
Many ways to solve a problem,
I tell my daughter, relentlessly,
think outside the box, glibly,
I advise, ignoring as-we-do
that I had my own nagging problem
I didn’t know how solve,
and against all my advice,
I put my own problem
in a box
that I scaled to precise dimensions
in my mind, though quite unlike
the light, luminous washi boxes she folds
& she folds with her purposeful hands,
yet mine like hers is also portable
so that I can lift it out of my mind,
gingerly, and when the moment is right,
place it in front of me, opening it
to see if its contents still burns
like the embers once transported
in those handcrafted cases of Edo
that I saw in a dusty museum last year,
and wondered why I was looking at them.
Last Haiku of Autumn
so now you can see
the gingko tree who beckons
is only a tree.
Aesthetics of a Convergent World
Smacks of beni or hong 紅 (crimson)
Sumi 墨lampblack, lacquer, too
万葉集 (A Collection of Myriad Leaves, 759)
+ Leaves of Grass (草の葉, 1855)
Lovely tapered fingers of ukiyo-e
Sinuous hands proving hard work
Crumpled wabi-sabi jeans of indigo
Reverberating bowl versus pulsing trap
Crinkle of second-hand Shinjuku-Colorado cowboy boots
Wood & washi & glass & silver, copper, cotton
A rustic shelter. Walden, Hōjōki.
If you need me to spell it out.
Mono no aware of all the universe.
Murasaki, that’s enough of an ode to you.