Solving Studios
prescient gift of Michel BARZIN
at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute 四川美术学院 • Chongqing, China • 2015

Solving Studios
WoodPaperHand’s Art-online-Residency
The Solving Studies residency originated in the faith that artists are problem solvers for communities—both local and remote—as well as for themselves.
The residency is currently running on a virtual platform. The participation format options for the residency will evolve with time, so please visit here again for updates.
Artists, in the context of both Solving Studios and WoodPaperHand overall, include all creators—be they fine artists or artisans, or apprentices, architects, composers, dancers, instrumentalists, makers, poets, photographers, vocalists等等.
The aim is to balance each studio across creative practices that challenge the boundaries and foster the intersections of image, sound, structure, voice, word along with technology. WoodPaperHand also prioritizes forming a global group of residency participants.
Studios are offered on a seasonal basis and address a range of themes, drawn sometimes from the suggestions of participants. In the short term, new residencies are organized upon interest only. There is a sliding-scale participation fee for each Studio. After the conclusion of each residency, virtual, and circumstances permitting, a gallery exhibition at selected international venues will be held.
If you would like to hear from a former participating artist, please write to WoodPaperHand regarding Solving Studios. Similarly, if you would like to express your interest in the next Solving Studio and/or propose a topic, be in touch.
※ Please inform interested individuals that English language skills, while helpful, are not required for participation in these residencies • We are also accustomed to limited or interrupted WiFi connectivity.
Bidhata KC • Nilah • Interactive Installation, offering of copper and brass water vessels, grains on ply board • 2015
George Newman, porcelain mold of male figure, broken • 2021